Friday, May 31, 2013

Comparing Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini

Following the success of its flagship handset, the Galaxy S4, Samsung announced that it will launch a smaller version of the device in the U.S. and U.K. Aptly named the Galaxy S4 Mini, the manufacturer will release 4G, 3G, and 3G dual-SIM models.

While pricing and carrier information remain unknown, a few key specs were released. As you can see from the chart below, not only is the new device physically smaller, it also has some less powerful hardware features.

For example, it has an 8-megapixel camera (compared with the GS4's 13-megapixel), a dual-core CPU, and a 1,900mAh battery.

That doesn't mean the phone is at all entry-level, however. In and of itself, the GS4 Mini is a promising device. It would appear that after hearing gripes about the GS4 being "too big," the Mini is a solution for users who want a GS4, but in a smaller, more easy-to-manage package. To learn more about the handset, including suggestions about which version would be right for you, be sure to check out Jessica Dolcourt's first impressions.

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